version 2.2.1 (build 65) [06.10.2002]
- maintenance release
- Feature: AIM+: New Readme file
- Feature: AIM+: Help button added to about boxes
- Feature: AIM+ History Viewer: Delete buttons added
- BugFix: AIM+: Debugging statistics code removed
- BugFix: AIM+: Browser links (aim:...)fixed
- BugFix: AIM+: AIM Today supressor allows Alerts, Chats, Greetings
version 2.2 (build 63) [05.10.2002]
- AIM 4.8.2768 update and bugfixes
- Feature: AIM+: Option to remove Menu from Buddy List
- Feature: AIM+: Option to remove Tabs from Buddy List
- BugFix: AIM+: Gaps in histories
- BugFix: AIM+: Reformatted Screen Namess create new entry in history
- BugFix: AIM+: Cloning breaks "SendTo" shortcut in explorer
- BugFix: AIM+: Cloning breaks AIM icon in IE toolbar
- BugFix: AIM+: Cloning breaks running "aim" from Start/Run dialog
- BugFix: AIM+: Ad showing up behind/through stock ticker
- BugFix: AIM+: Drawing button-bounding-box even when not removing ads
- BugFix: AIM+: AIM+ Button sometimes not shown when not removing ads
- BugFix: AIM+: resource leak (affected Win9x/ME only)
- BugFix: AIM+: "search bar" in old/international AIMs
- BugFix: AIM+: "AIM+ Button" incompatible with new AIM beta (4.8.2768)
- BugFix: AIM+: "Allow AIM Today Popup" incompatible with new AIM beta
version 2.1.1 (build 59) [03.31.2002]
- more bugfixes
- BugFix: AIM+: Histories stored in wrong folder
- BugFix: AIM+: "Failed to create clone (copy file failed)"
- BugFix: AIM+: 'AIM+' tooltip doesn't show up on button
version 2.1 (build 57) [03.25.2002]
- bugfixes and tweaks
- Feature: AIM+: UnCloning dialog added
- Feature: AIM+: 'Launch Clone' added to AIM+ Button/Menus
- Feature: AIM+: 'Check Now' button tells if you're up-to-date
- Feature: AIM+: allow/disable cloning option
- BugFix: AIM+: dragging buddy list around by + in docking mode
- BugFix: AIM+: transparency settings lost
- BugFix: AIM+: selecting (highlighting) text
- BugFix: AIM+: history dropdowns (user, buddy) too small
version 2.0.1 (build 55) [03.18.2002]
- history viewer bugfix
- BugFix: AIM+ History Viewer: does not require MFC70.dll
version 2.0 (build 55) [03.18.2002]
- second public release
- BugFix: AIM+: starting with windows
- BugFix: AIM+: shutdown crash in win2k
- BugFix: AIM+: turning off logging
- BugFix: AIM+: logging long conversations
- BugFix: AIM+: startup registry key ("quotes")
- BugFix: AIM+: Buddy List minimum size
- BugFix: AIM+: memory leak in logging routine
- BugFix: AIM+: black background on buttons ('Today') in win2k
- BugFix: AIM+: bogus 'new version' notifications fixed
- BugFix: Installer: upgrading when reboot needed
- Feature: AIM+: aim+ button on the general toolbar
- Feature: AIM+: multiple instances of AIM, automatic
- Feature: AIM+: 'AIM Today' window will not show at sign-on
- Feature: AIM+: backs up log files while modifying them
- Feature: AIM+: Upgrade Monitor redesigned and operational
- Feature: AIM+: Stock Ticker can now be used with Ad Removal
version 1.0 (build 40) [12.11.2001]